Roger Gassert in the new issue of the ETH Magazine Globe

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Nationaler Zukunftstag

New Auxivo White Paper on "How Exoskeletons Provide Support"

Welcome to Aileen Naef

Webinar on “Rehabilitation robotics: Advancing physical therapy for improved health outcomes”

Best Poster Award at RehabWeek 2023

Final takeaways from RehabWeek 2023

FHT researchers demonstrating their latest research at RehabWeek 2023

Exciting Workshop at RehabWeek 2023

Olivier Lambercy appointed as Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich

Highlights from the Upper Limb Summer School in Leuven

RELab presenting Neurofeedback at Scientifica

Visit of Prof. Dr. Jumpei Arata and his team

Balgrist Research Day

RELab is at the ITU AI for Good Global Summit 2023 in Geneva

Bronze Best Application Paper Award

Guests from Singapore and Argentina on visit

Voice control of our robotic hand orthosis – enabled by Picovoice

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